Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Operation Safe Skies IT Ethics

Question: Discuss about thefor Operation Safe Skies for IT Ethics. Answer: Introduction: Ethics is a domain of research and study in addition with a theory which evaluates and determines the ethical and moral appropriateness of an action in regards to some principles which have been explained from an ethical perspective (Brtiz, 2016). There are various theories which have been created to assess an action on ethics. The similar theories have been utilized for evaluation of the problems of Operation Safe Skies. Project Background An engineering firm, Occidental Engineering has been developing a project known as Operation Safe Skies. The project will produce a prototype for a next generation system of Air Traffic Control and it is being performed in agreement with US Federal Aviation Agency. The organization has bid comprehensively. However, they have bid below the amount needed to accomplish the contract. The project team created a prototype by performing for 18 hours in a day. But, the projects test engineer, Wayne Davidson has noticed a major defect in the prototype. The defect will lead the system to lose tract of more than one aircrafts. This might cause collisions and/or other dangers. The developers have assured that the issues will be fixed within 1 month. Project Manager Deborah Shepherd wants to launch the buggy product since fixing the bug will cause the organization to miss the deadline. This decision might not be accepted by Wayne. Ethical Analysis Theory of Consequentialism The ethical theory which establishes the ethical appropriateness of an action in regards to the implications and consequences that will result from it is known as the Theory of Consequentialism. If the results are positive and will be advantageous to the parties involved, then, it can be regarded as ethically appropriate (BBC, 2016). There are 2 distinct activity set which are present in the ethical dilemma and problem of Operation Safe Skies. The first and main issue is the action being suggested by Deborah. She wants to launch the product and later on, rectify the issues. If this is done, then Occidental Engineering will meet the contracts deadline. But, it will have some negative implications which includes air collision and loss of property and lives. The action being recommended by Wayne states that the product be delayed. However, this might cause the organization to lose their reputation, however, it will be advantageous in regards to security and safety of the system of Air Traffic Control and the parties involved. The after-effects may contaitn the collistion of aircraft and which may result in loss of lives and property. The act which recommended by Wayne contains the delay of product which in turn return in degradation of reputation of company but will surely be beneficial with respect to safety of air traffic system control nad other involving parties. According to the Consequentialism Theory, the action being recommended by Deborah is ethically improper. The action suggested by Wayne is morally and ethically correct. Theory of Deontology The 2nd theory which has been applied to the given project of Operation Safe Skies is the theory of deontology. It evaluates an action to be ethically proper or improper according to its compliance with duties and rules that defines the action. According to this theory, the more the action adheres to the rules, the more it is ethically appropriate (Gaus, 2016). A project primary rule is the delivery of products in according to the requirements which have been specified. The product will have zero or minimal defects and will adhere to the project deadline too. Deborah wants to achieve the last objective according to her recommendation and have ignored the previous two objectives. If a defective product is launched, a critical bug will be present and will not adhere to the primary set of requirements. However, Wayne achieves ethical compliance in addition to a collection of best practices of a test engineer. He clearly states the defects and their consequences. According to the Theory of Deontology, Deborahs act is ethically incorrect and Waynes decision is ethically correct (Nill, 2016). Virtue Ethics The third ethical theory which has been applied to the given project of Operation Safe skies is Virtue Ethics. It has been used to comprehend the ethical problem present in the project. The principles of this theory is given in regards to the involved individuals and parties character. It recommends that care and happiness of an individual and his/her fellows needs to be main aim of life. An action which fulfills the objective is ethically appropriate (Hursthouse, 2016). Deborah, for the above project, recommends the launch of the product, even though critical bugs are present (Bowden, 2016). Her motive is the firms protection and her teams and her happiness. But, she is quite aware of the probable damages which will be caused by the problems and has neglected the care for the common citizens and for US FAA. Wayne recommends delaying the product launch and rectifying the problem so that lives and property can be protected. Waynes decision has the elements of happiness and care for ev eryone. According to the Virtue Ethics theory, Deborahs act is ethically incorrect and Waynes decision is ethically correct. Australian Computer Society Code of Professional Conduct According to ACSs Professional Conduct Code, there are 6 principles which must be complied with and will be reflected in an executives actions. These are The top priority of any project will be the public interest. The actions must show an improvement in the quality of life, via the work performed. Honesty needs to be present in all the involved activities. Competence needs to be an essential component. Professional Development will be improved. Professionalism, in regards to societys integrity, must be reflected (ACS, 2016). The act recommended by Deborah ignores most the ACS Professional Conduct Code principles since she ignores public interest and the element of truth is missing since she will be hiding the defects from everybody. Additionally, professionalism and quality of life are not present in the proposed decision. But, Waynes suggestion complies with the principles of ACSs Professional Conduct Code. Conclusion The project, Operation Safe Skies, comprises of major functionalities and consists of a set of requirements which needs to be complied with. Additionally, the project deadline is quite critical since if it is missed, there will be some major consequences to be faced. The ethical dilemma which is present in the project needs to be analyzed in regards to 3 ethical theories Theory of Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and the Theory of Consequentialism. The 3 theories are founded on various set of methods and principles which examine an action in regards to it being either ethical or non-ethical. But, all the theories have a single and similar feedback and end result. The Project Manager, Deborahs act has been examined and has been deemed to be ethically inappropriate. The test engineer, Waynes recommendation has been deemed to be ethically appropriate. There are options which have been recommended to diminish the gap that is present amongst the 2 decisions. Deborah can implement additional re sources within the development team. These resources will have knowledge regarding the activities of the project and will help in rectifying the problem. This will result in faster processing of the end product. Additionally, it will not lead to a loss of reputation of the organization in case they miss the contracts deadline. Legal extension can also be requested for the date of delivery in accordance to scenarios and conditions. The same actions might cause some punishments and penalties, however, it will adhere to regulatory and legal policies. Communication is critical for every project and this can be used to hold discussions and meetings with the external shareholders and the sponsors of the project so that they can comprehend the consequences of the problem. They will also be assured that the problem will be rectified fully. References ACS. (2016). ACS Code of Ethics. Retrieved 30 August 2016, from https://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/7835/Code-of-Ethics.pdf BBC,. (2016). BBC - Ethics - Introduction to ethics: Consequentialism. Bbc.co.uk. Retrieved 30 August 2016, from https://www.bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction/consequentialism_1.shtml Bowden, P. (2016). Virtue ethics, Aristotle and organisational behaviour. Retrieved 29 August 2016, from https://www.unisa.edu.au/Documents/EASS/HRI/GIG/bowden-virtue.pdf Britz, J. (2016). Technology as a Threat to Privacy:Ethical Challenges. Web.simmons.edu. Retrieved 29 August 2016, from https://web.simmons.edu/~chen/nit/NIT'96/96-025-Britz.html Gaus, G. (2016). What is Deontology?, Part One: Orthodox Views. Retrieved 29 August 2016, from https://www.gaus.biz/deontology1.pdf Hursthouse, R. (2016). Virtue Ethics and Human Nature. Retrieved 29 August 2016, from https://www.humesociety.org/hs/issues/v25n1-2/hursthouse/hursthouse-v25n1-2.pdf Nill, M. (2016). Deontology. Retrieved 29 August 2016, from https://cw.routledge.com/ref/ethics/entries/deontology.pdf

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